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General art websites with informations about art medals

Art history resources on the web

Societies, Organisations and Museums concerning art medal

Federation Internationale de la Medaille (FIDEM)
American Medallic Sculpture Association (AMSA)
Belgian Association for Promotion of the Medal
British Art Medal Society
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medaillenkunst


Medal artists

Website of Michal Vitanovsky
Website of the National Medal Biennal of Sopron
A Group of Portuguese artists creating art medals and other art objects
Homepage of the famous medal artist Victor Huster
A sculptress and medal artist in the Netherlands - Carla Klein
Art medals, art plaques, sculptures, pictures, art objects - Laszlo Szlavics (father and son)
Art medals of Nadia Green
Art medals from of Thomas K Diehn
An artist from Lithuania - Romualdas Incirauskas

Two noncommercial sites of a group of professional Dutch medaillists:

Private websites with the same or a similar theme

Art Nouveau and Art Deco medals
A most extraordinary and impressive collection of Goetz medals
Médailles de Collection
Gabinet medalów polskich
Random medal
Feriam Sidera (MCMXX)
Paul-Marcel Damman